Moral Reconation Therapy in El Paso, TX – (915) 206-3656

One of the most important parts of addressing a substance abuse problem is understanding the root causes of the addiction. An addiction to drugs or alcohol does not come out of nowhere, and recognizing the differences between addicts and the general public is one of the key underpinnings of success.

That is why moral reconation therapy in El Paso is all about. Moral reconation therapy in El Paso recognizes the fact that some people become addicted to alcohol and drugs quite easily, while others are able to resist temptation and avoid the devastation of a substance abuse problem.

At the heart of the moral reconation therapy in El Paso is the recognition that those who become addicted to alcohol and drugs often lack the moral reasoning skills others in their peer group possess. Moral reconation therapy in El Paso further recognizes that there moral reasoning skills and coping mechanisms can be developed over time, and that the development of these critical life skills can reduce recidivism rates, stop relapses in their tracks and improve the odds that the recovering addict will remain free of drugs and alcohol for the rest of their lives.

MRT in El Paso

Moral reconation therapy, also known as MRT, is centered on helping individuals find the coping skills and support mechanisms they will need going forward, and that makes it a valuable tool in any drug and alcohol rehab process. It is one thing to stop using alcohol and drugs for the short term, but it is quite another to remain free of those substances for a lifetime.

Through the development of strong coping skills and moral reasoning mechanisms, moral reconation therapy (MRT) is able to give recovering addicts the support they need to remain free of harmful substances for the rest of their lives. Moral reconation therapy uses a number of different methods to achieve this valuable end, from intensive psychological counseling and peer support to family therapy and long term support in the outside world.

A lack of moral reasoning skills and coping mechanisms is not the only reason for substance abuse, but it is one of the key underpinnings for many men and women. The development of moral reasoning skills can be held back by a number of internal and external factors, and the fact that these skills have not developed is not the fault of the addict. In some cases the development of moral reasoning skills is retarded by a childhood filled with abuse. In other cases external factors like lead poisoning or brain damage can interfere with the development of moral reasoning skills and make the individual predisposed to alcohol and drug abuse. But no matter what the root cause of the problem, with careful counseling and support these coping skills and moral reasoning mechanisms can be developed over time.  

If someone you care about has been struggling with substance abuse, the answer may be moral reconation therapy (MRT). If you are concerned about a loved ones drug abuse, or your own, just give El Paso Drug Rehab Centers a call at (915) 206-3656 to discuss the matter and learn how our moral reconation therapy (MRT) can help you recover and get on with the rest of your life.